

Now thats how you take down a monster.
Ricky ends the day with a premium shot, nailing
this 170+ buck in open range.. |
Dean Graziosi on his second trip to Pear Tree Game Ranch takes down this amazing 194" Texas whitetail deer! |

No Holding out for Adam when this 193 in monster came in to his blind |














Joel passed on a great non-typical to take this beautiful 141 in typical |

Tedd and Charlie had the experience of a lifetime with this 178 in double droptine PearTree Logo buck

Melanie was elated and is still smiling after taking this great management buck |

Tom passed on several great bucks to take this one that he thought was the most impressive

There was no ground shrinkage when Mont walked up to this 156 in buck |

TJ raises the bar by tracking down this
massive 191 inch Pear Tree Buck

Well renowned TV personality Dean Graziosi pays the Pear Tree a visit and harvests this massive 168 inch buck. Thanks Dean, it's been our pleasure. |


You know what they say about couples who hunt together....Nice job Will & Heather,
best looking buck of the week. |

Ricky ends the day with this unbelievable 187" Pear Tree Game Ranch Texas whitetail deer trophy! |
Samantha (9yrs. old) brings down this awesome management buck, her first Texas whitetail ever! |
Don with a gorgeous 169" Whitetail Deer |
Dean didn't stop with the texas whitetail deer, he also harvests the 330" Red Stag! |

Daniel scores his second Pear Tree Trophy with this 160 class Texas Whitetail Deer. |

Adam had a blast taking 3 foxes and shed hunting at the Pear Tree Game Ranch |

Steve on his first visit to Pear Tree and leaves with his first Texas whitetail deer - what a magnificient 175" trophy! |
Matt takes down this great management buck on his first trip to the Pear Tree Game Ranch. |

Boyd with his second trophy whitetail deer buck at 173" |

David brings home this gorgeous Pear Tree management buck. Texas hunting. |

Lee on his first trip to Pear Tree scores this awesome Texas whitetail management buck. |

Casey takes down this beautiful Pear Tree management buck. |

Daniel with a 33 1/2" Gold Medal Aoudad Texas Hunting at the Pear Tree Game Ranch |

Curtis with two nice Pear Tree turkeys |

Mike on his first hunt ever takes down this impressive Pear Tree management buck. |

Steve with a gold medal Red Armenian |

Kelly take down this awesome gold medal Red Stag |

Showing off for the camera. |

Gator on his first Pear Tree hunt with this trophy Oryx 38" |

Jared with a nice management Red Armenian |

Jared with an impressive 182" Pear Tree Trophy Whitetail Deer |

Steve with a beautiful 181" Pear Tree Whitetail |

Justin with a gold medal Texas Dall |

Brett with a very nice 143" Pear Tree Texas Whitetail Deer |

Brandt with a nice 158" whitetail |

Gator with a gold medal Mouflon |

Brad with a gold medal 21" Pear Tree Black Buck |

Brett with a fine gold medal Black Hawaiian |

Management buck with a B&C score 127". |

Another beautiful Texas hunting trophy 37" oryx. |

Joel showing off his hog next to our Texas hunting lodge. |

Pear Tree has the best hunting Texas has to offer. Look at this massive Audoud that was taken down with a bow! |

Beautiful 135 inch whitetail deer taken down with a bow. |

Dean drops another gold medal ram,
this one shot from over 300 yards......
now that's hunting. |

Braden does alright, harvesting another
Pear Tree trophy buck. |

Camie shows the boys how its done on her first
visit to Pear Tree. |

Ricky takes tracks down a massive boar and finishes it Pear Tree style. Thats definitely a kill for the books.

Big Steve takes down an impressive Management Buck on his second trip to Pear Tree. |

Robert spends the day tracking exotics, ends up with an excellent 33 inch Pear Tree Oryx.

John shows off his skills with this veteran buck.

TJ harvests a nice 150 Inch buck before noon.

Joel takes a Managment Oryx on a frosty morning. |

Daniel gets the perfect shot on this
prize Management buck. |

After a long haul, TJ lands a Gold Medal Aoudad Ram. Boasting 33 1/3 inch horns and a 13 inch base, this exotic was a true representation of what the Pear Tree has to offer. |

Billy finishes off the Management hunt with a
strong 130 inch whitetail buck. |

Kory is all smiles with his 170 B&C Buck...can you blame him! |

This powerful 155 inch Whitetail couldn't out maneuver Adam forever |

Dean is seen here with his first Pear Tree Mouflan Ram. But knowing Dean, this won't be his last. |

Tedd tracks down a gold medal Texas Dall. Perfect horns, talk about a trophy ram. |

Way to go Bobby! That is one serious Oryx,
boasting horns over 34 inches.

Now that's what we call Texas whitetail....Well done Boyd! |


Gary scores two incredible Toms. Not a bad way to start the day. Well done Gary. |

Adam finishes the hunt strong by taking down this huge Oryx boasting 37 inch horns |

Its all smiles for John as he proudly holds his
130 inch Pear Tree buck. |

Scott gets ready to prepare this buck after a long day on the hunt.

Greg takes down an impressive 137 inch buck on his first morning out. Now thats a great way to start your day.

Mike takes down a beautiful Tom and a large Jake on his first trip to the ranch. |

Chris tracks down this whitetail on his first Management hunt at Pear Tree. |

Adam tracks down this impressive trophy mouflon on his last day at Pear Tree.
